About the Channel

All messages will be taken into account, duly studied and analysed, guaranteeing the complainant maximum confidentiality and discretion.

If you are aware of any action, behaviour or activity that you consider unethical or unlawful, please describe it below, giving as much detail as possible about the matter of concern or the suggestion you wish to make in this regard.

How does it work?

Once you are on the website, all you have to do is fill in the appropriate form, optionally attaching a file. After sending the form, a report number will be generated, which will be displayed and sent to the e-mail address indicated on the form.

Through the same web page and with this complaint/reference number, the status of the complaint can be consulted at any time.

Finally, after the corresponding complaint, if an internal investigation is opened, this will be carried out through the body assigned to this effect to initiate the investigation in order to clarify the reported facts. If the facts are finally confirmed, the corresponding disciplinary measures will be taken.

Whistleblowers who make allegations in bad faith, knowing them to be false or with the sole intention of undermining the reputation and prestige of CUPA GROUP or any of its professionals, shall be subject to the sanctions provided for in the company´s disciplinary regime.